The entire staff of Upper Denkyira West Health Sector met at the District Assembly Hall on wednesday,19th July 2023 for their excerpts from the 1st half year review meeting.
Mr Stephen Ntim made the presentation at the meeting and the following were out listed as the headlines from his presentation
a) Pregnant women being affected with malaria.
He outlined from his presentation that malaria is high among pregnant women due to the following reasons;
1) most households don’t clear the water at the back of their bathhouse which end up breeding mosquitoes. 2) Most pregnant women do not sleep in the nets. 3) Most of these pregnant women are sellers at night. 4) Most do not visit health facilities early for treatment.
- Intensifying the rate of registering the pregnant women or the in charges should make sure their nurses have register for the pregnant women for easy monitoring.
- Counselling of pregnant women on regular basis.
b) Some OPD diseases in the district
i) Malaria vi) UTIs
ii) Skin diseases vii) Pneumonia
iii) Diarrhoea viii) URTIs
iv) Rheumatism ix) Pregnancy related diseses
v) Anaemia x) Transport Injuries
c) Epidemic Prone Disease in the District
Disease/year 2021 2022 2023
Yellow Fever 2 2 0
Measles 3 5 9
AFP 2 2 1
Meningitis 0 0 0
Cholera 0 0 0
d) Treatment on Tuberculosis (TB)
Year 2021 2022 2023
TB Cases 13 14 10
Treatment Success 13 (100%) 12 (85.7%) 10 (100%)